Phillip Schladweiler

Phillip Schladweiler is a military veteran who served two tours in Iraq. On February 22, 2006…6 years to the day of his enlistment…he was wounded in an IED attack and lost the vision in his right eye. Now an art student, Phillip has photographed the shrapnel that was removed from his body (the doctors saved it for him) as part of his journey of healing … Continue reading Phillip Schladweiler


This spring my exhibit was at Wilmington College, a Quaker school, and home to the Peace Resource Center. At the core of the PRC’s collection is the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Memorial Collection and I had time to visit with the director Tanya Maus and look through their extensive files. I am a photographer, so I was drawn to the many photos in their archive. There … Continue reading Acknowledgement