I see you

I’m tired today. But I’ll go back out there.

Because my tired is nothing in the face of the soul-crushing weariness I see in my brothers and sisters on the street.

My tired pales when it’s held side by side with the frustration I hear in the voices of the people.

My tired is no excuse when you begin to recognize the heavy burden that has been carried for days and years and decades of calling out and not being heard.

I’m tired. But I can try to hold a little bit of that so they don’t have to carry it alone.

I’m tired, but I can try to amplify that voice.

What do you want to say?

I see you.

I hear you.

And you matter.

You are not alone.

7 thoughts on “I see you

  1. I wanted to share this, but when I saw the no names for the people whose words and faces are featured I couldn’t do it. Did they all want to be anonymous? Your work is beautiful and important. Thank you.

    1. Nobody asked to be anonymous. But the world can be an ugly place. They have been brave to expose their words and images and that is what I am comfortable sharing in a public forum. Their words are their own, but they hold a universal truth for all of us.

      1. People of color, immigrants, and survivors of domestic violence are those who are systematically, politically, financially, and daily… oppressed, killed, and beaten down. We must MAKE the change. THE FUTURE IS IN OUR OWN HANDS.

  2. Thank you for being there, for representing those of us who couldn’t be there physically, but stand in solidarity.

  3. Beautiful. You are an amazing and inspirational human, John

    Sent from planet Earth


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