Brett Menzie


Brett Menzie had a history of kidney trouble in his family. His grandmother was on dialysis. His middle son suffered in utero from a kidney malfunction known as hydronephrosis, which required surgery when he was born. While Brett was not a medical match for either of his family members, he joined a national donor registry and gave one of his kidneys to a total stranger just before Christmas 2007.

“It’s important to tell these stories because it could inspire others to do similar things.”

I like to help others or volunteer where I can. When I was little, my mom was leader of a women’s group in the church and she would always find ways to help the women. I would tag along with her and help her out. I remember, in particular, a woman who had cancer. We would take her to chemotherapy and pick her up. My mother was an example of service, so today, I volunteer for a hospice organization where I interview individuals that are in their end stages of life. I get their life story as best as they’re able to tell it, and I provide an audio recording to the family.

It’s amazing what human beings are able to do when we get together and put a plan into action. We create something that is life changing and life saving. Much like a branch that’s able to sprout several leaves and twigs, we’re able to improve society by just impacting one person who, in turn, impacts someone else, and it continues on and on.

Find one way every day you can improve the life of somebody around you. Do something nice for somebody once a day, every single day. That is the best wisdom I can impart.

Brett Menzie short audio clip

Brett Menzie full audio

Discussion Questions

  • Who is someone you admire because of their willingness to serve?
  • What legacy would you like to leave after you die? What are some characteristics of admirable legacies from people you admire that you’d like to be a part of your own legacy?
  • What is something nice you can do for someone today? Tomorrow?
  • What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? How did that affect you? What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for someone else?
  • When is a time you’ve inspired another person?

2 thoughts on “Brett Menzie

  1. Saw the exhibit at SPL today. Was struck by how many of the people’s ideas of what peace is to them consisted of attacking and labelling others! Patricularly the muslims lecturing white americans on toletance. I found that offensive. To me, peace is others not blaming US for their problems.
    I would also toss on that freedom isnt free. War has accomplished great things for humanity at times.

    1. It’s interesting, I haven’t heard that reaction before. I think what you hear as lecturing, I hear as people describing their personal experiences, and I don’t find that offensive at all. I would agree that there have been times in history when war has been required. I also believe it has been used unjustly. Both can be true.

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